Euro to Naira Exchange Rate
1 Euro to Naira Exchange Rate Today
1 Euro to Naira exchange rate in the black (parallel) market is ₦ 815.00. At the CBN, the exchange rate is ₦ 493.57 in Nigeria. For Euro to Naira bank rates and other different exchange platforms (FX market, BDC, Western Union, Moneygram) is as shown in the table below.
Date | Today Rate | Source | |
31.05.23 | ₦ 493.57 | CBN | |
02.06.23 | ₦ 815.00 | Black Market | |
04.07.22 | ₦ 500.00 | First Bank | |
21.07.22 | ₦ 490.00 | GTB | |
Not applicable now | Western Union | ||
BDC | |||
31.05.23 | N491.76 | FX Market |
Also, check out the CBN Naira exchange rates for other currencies here
Find the FX (Forex Market) rate for other currencies here
See all Bank rates for Euro to Naira here
- Euro to Naira exchange rate today is ₦ 490.00 in GTBank, ₦ 491.76 in FX Market, ₦815 in the black market, and ₦ 493.57 in CBN
- Euro to Naira exchange rate is not applicable in Moneygram, and also not applicable in Western Union
- The Euro bank rate in First Bank is ₦ 500.00 and ₦ 490.00 in GTB
- The exchange rate at the FX Market has the value of ₦ 491.76 as shown in the above table
What is the exchange rate of Naira to Euro in Nigeria?
Naira to Euro is ₦815 in the black market (parallel market) today.
The price of 1 Euro today in Nigeria varies for the different market segments.
Summary of 1 Euro Exchange Rate to Nigerian Naira
The Euro, which is the official currency of the European Union is the second most commonly used currency for international trade against the Nigerian Naira. The Naira to dollar exchange rate recently experienced a consistent southward movement that led to the clamping down of Aboki Fx by the CBN over allegations of Currency speculation.
- Currency Name: Euro
- Issuing Bank: European Central Bank
- Currency Symbol[s]: €
- Country: EU member countries
- Subunit: Cent, Penny
- ISO Code: EUR
- Conversion: 1 EUR equals 100 cent.
- Coins: 1c, 2c, 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, €1, €2
- Banknotes: €5, €10, €20, €50, €100