Australian Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate

Australian Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate Today

Date Today Rate Source
20.12.21 ₦ 292.28 FX Market
25.11.21 ₦ 342.00 Standard Chartered Bank
Western Union
Black Market

Also, check out the CBN Naira exchange rates for other currencies here

Find the FX (Forex Market) rate for other currencies here


  • Australian CAD to Naira CBN rate is not available for now at the apex bank
  • Australian Dollar to Naira Bank exchange rate is ₦ 292.28 as of 20 December 2021 in FX Market, ₦342.00 as of November  2021 in Standard Chartered Bank, while it is no longer applicable in Moneygram
  • Australian CAD to Naira rate at the FX Market is ₦ 292.28 as of 20 December 2021
  • The Australian CAD to NGN exchange rate for Moneygram is no longer applicable since December 2020 as shown in the table above
  • As can be seen from the table above, Australian Dollar to NGN Western Union value is not available
  • The highest value of the CAD to Naira exchange rate is ₦ 342.00 for Standard Chartered Bank as of 25 November 2021 as shown in the table above


How Much Is 1 AUD Australian Dollar to Naira

The value of the exchange rate of  1 AUD Australian Dollar to Naira varies depending on the source. For Standard Chartered bank the rate is ₦ 342.00 as of November 25, 2021. At the foreign exchange (FX) market, the value is ₦ 292.28 as of 20 December 2021.


Summary of Australian Dollar Exchange Rate to Nigerian Naira


  • Currency Name: Australian Dollar
  • Issuing Bank: Reserve Bank of Australia
  • Currency Symbol[s]: $, A$, AUD
  • Country: United States
  • Subunit: Cent
  • ISO Code: AUD
  • Conversion: 1 AUD equals 100 cent.
  • Coins:AUD 10c, AUD$2, AUD 5c, AUD$1, AUD 20c, AUD 50cent
  • Banknotes: $1, $2,$5.$10, $20,$50, $100